Terms & Conditions of Entry into Linton Zoo Conservation Park

1. Linton Zoo Conservation Park will enforce conditions of entry as per its authority under the Wildlife Park Licensing Act.

2. Linton Zoo operates a policy of no refunds, date transfers or exchanges for zoo admissions purchased on entry, booked online or by telephone. There will be no refunds due to inclement weather, or animals resting, nesting, breeding, hiding or sleeping.

3. Without exception, all children under 14 years of age are required to be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times whilst in the zoo, for their safety and for the welfare of the animals in our care.

4. A guest is any person or persons on the grounds of Linton Zoo Conservation Park or by virtue of a ticket or for any other reason.

5. Season ticket holders cannot gain admission to the park without their valid season ticket.

6. Linton Zoo reserves the right to request proof of age to ensure the correct ticket type is purchased.

7. Linton Zoo will not tolerate physical or verbal threats towards its staff or animals and operate a complete zero tolerance policy. Any visitors behaving inappropriately will be denied access to, or told to leave the park, immediately without refund being made.

8. Please be aware that Linton Zoo is protected by 24 hour C.C.T.V surveillance cameras and video recording.

9. A guest must enter via a public entrance and, where applicable, pay the entrance fee.

10. Visitors who are visiting as a zoo passholder from a reciprocal zoo must present their valid pass for each member at the time of their arrival, otherwise full admission must be paid, refunds or discounts cannot be given retrospectively.

11. A guest is not permitted to feed any animal. All animals receive specially prepared diets, and unsuitable foods could cause them distress. Unauthorised feeding could put you and the animals at risk. The only exception to this is if you are taking part in a keeper experience or animal encounter under a keepers direct supervision.

12. A guest is not permitted to bring into the Wildlife Park any animal; animal costume; ball; balloon; bicycle, scooter, skateboard, roller blades or similar apparatus; alcohol or illegal substance.

13. Visitors are admitted on condition that, if requested to do so, they consent to security checks on themselves and/or their belongings. Management reserve the right to confiscate any item deemed as unsuitable or unsafe for use within Linton Zoo.

14. Cars are parked at their owners own risk and Linton Zoo cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to vehicles, their contents or persons.

15. For animal welfare reasons selfie sticks must not be used beyond public barriers.

16. For the safety of the animals and our guests the use of drones in or over the zoo is strictly prohibited.

17. You may not bring any of your own food on to the zoo site, other than the designated undercover picnic area as shown on the zoo map. Only water can be taken around the zoo. Bins have been removed, please take your rubbish home to recycle responsibly.

18. We regret dogs and pets are not allowed in the zoo including the car park - this includes guide dogs and assistant dogs as this has been known to upset the animals. We strongly advise against leaving your dog(s) in your car, even with ventilation and water, on our site because we cannot guarantee that sufficient shade will be available. This applies at any time of year and weather conditions. We reserve the right to take necessary action should we believe an animal in your car is suffering.

19. A guest is not permitted to use any audio equipment or musical instrument at a volume likely to disturb any animal; or behave in a manner that is likely to cause offence or disruption to other guests. Please remember you are visitors to their home, go quietly, do not cause alarm to the animals by inconsiderate behaviour.

20. Linton Zoo cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to visitor’s possessions inside the zoo or in the car park

21. Animal enclosures at Linton Zoo Conservation Park are designed to complement the animals and vegetation in our collection.

22. A guest is not permitted to touch or interfere with any animal or vegetation; remove or disturb any rock, stone, sand or similar substance; feed any animal; throw any object; climb on, damage or deface any structure or sign; light any fire; or litter.

23. A guest is not permitted to conduct any commercial activity in Wildlife Park grounds including the use of any media equipment.

24. A guest is not permitted to enter or remain outside public hours or enter any non-public area or exhibit. Safety barriers are a legal requirement and it will be assumed that anyone crossing a safety barrier has malicious intent in mind

25. All guests must abide with any other conditions displayed within the park, published literature, online mediums or communicated by any Linton Zoo representative.

26. Linton Zoo Conservation Park has the authority to close the Wildlife Park or any part there of, including any animal exhibit (animals off display) or show, at any time for reasons of adverse weather, equipment failure, maintenance and construction, or in the interests of safety and will not be liable for any loss or expense incurred by a guest as the result of such closure.

27. Linton Zoo Conservation Park is a smoke-free site, including e-cigs, vapes and other smoking substitutes. Smoking is prohibited in all Wildlife Park buildings, vehicles and outdoor areas, except for the car park.

28. Non adherence of terms and conditions of entry will result in being told to leave the park immediately without any refund being given.

29. Linton Zoo reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms at any time by posting the amended Terms.

30. It is an express condition of your entry and your participation in the activities conducted by Linton Zoo Conservation Park that you do hereby, for yourself, your heirs, executors, assigns and next-of-kin and each of them release, waive and discharge Linton Zoo Conservation Park, it’s directors and employees of and from all liability, claims or demands for all injuries, losses, damages of any kind or nature to your person or property or to that of any minor under your supervision, while on the property of Linton Zoo Conservation Park.